“Language is a means of Communication”. This proverb reminds us
how important language in communication process between one others. Learning
language means we are learning culture. In globalization era, we are now not
living in a small village, but we are livig in a global village which distance
is not a big deal as limitation to do communication between us with others in
other part of the world. English become an important part in all of the aspect,
especially in education. Mastering English is not only learn about linguistic
aspect or study about four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing)
or the component itself, but also study other (academic context). Its means we
have to know the other aspect or lesson in the school such as economy, law,
engineering, agriculture, health, physic, chemistry, etc. International based
school also became the background of the existence of EAC. International based
School which officially conducted by the government makes the English as the
medium of communication at school or in learning process. English has the big
role in conveying the materials in other subject content (like science, art,
mathematic, and social).
Philosophies of learning English Across Curriculum (EAC)
Some philosophies that support the existentiality of learning English
across Curriculum, those are:
(1974): the various forms of pictorial expression are almost always accompanied
by language and often require language to make them intelligible.
(1971): Language is but one among … many aspects of the semiotic function,
event ought it is in most instances the most important.
(1984): language, thinking and learning are inseparable.
to learn English Across Curriculum (EAC)
Why we have to learn EAC. Here are the several reasons, those
-To be exposed to a foreign language.
-To use English for genuine communication
-To use English for practical purposes.
-To integrate all language skill.
as the standard for developing professional teachers
An Important aspect in developing the teachers to be
professional is Indicator. Indicator means signs, or measurement. Indicator is
the way to measure something. The development of professional teachers must be
concerned more for the better quality of education. There are three indicators
as the standard for developing professional teachers, those are:
Globalization era requires a very basic
means to communicate that is language. But what kind of language? International
Language that is the answer. English nowadays become an important part in all
of the aspect of communication in daily life, business and especially in
education. Mastering English is not only learning about linguistic aspect or
study about four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) or the
component itself, but also study other (academic context). Its means we have to
know the other aspect or lesson in the school such as economy, law,
engineering, agriculture, health, physic, chemistry, etc. International based
school also became the background of the existence of EAC. International based
School which officially conducted by the government makes the English as the
medium of communication at school or in learning process. So, English has the
big role in conveying the materials in other subject content (like science,
art, mathematic, and social).
Some philosophies that support the
existentiality of English across the Curriculum, they are:
(1974): the various forms of pictorial expression are almost always accompanied
by language and often require language to make them intelligible.
(1971): Language is but one among … many aspects of the semiotic function,
event ought it is in most instances the most important.
(1984): language, thinking and learning are inseparable.
C.Why do we learn EAC
Some reasons why we learn English Across
Curriculum, those are;
be expose to a foreign language.
use English for genuine communication
use English for practical purposes.
integrate all language skill.
D.Theindicator as the standard for developing professional teachers
Indicator is the way to measure something.
The development of professional teachers must be concerned more for the better
quality of education. There are three indicators as the standard for developing
professional teachers, they are:
1.Context Standard (Learning communities,
Leadership, Resources )
2.Process Standard (Data driven,
evaluation, Research based, design, learning, collaboration)
3.Content Standard (Equity, quality
teaching and Family involvement)
Program studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Muria Kudus akan mengadakan Program
Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (KKL) ke Jogjakarta
pada 11 - 12 Mei 2010 yang akan datang. Kuliah Kerja Lapangan merupakan program
kuliah yang dilaksanakan di luar kelas dengan melakukan observasi serta pembuatan
laporan hasil observasi yang telah dilaksanakan.
Seperti tahun
sebelumnya, KKL tahun ini memiliki konsep yang sama, yakni mengunjungi beberapa
tempat wisata serta Institusi pendidikan di sekitar Jogjakarta. Konsep yang demikian ini dipilih
tidak lain karenamengigat PBI merupakan
bagian dari Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan yang berporos pada
nilai Pendidikan. Dari tempat wisata serta Institusi pendidikan yang telah
dikunjungi oleh mahasiswa, selanjutnya mahasiswa diharuskan untuk membuat laporan
hasil observasi lapangan sebagai bahan penilaian kuliah. Hal ini bertujuan
untuk memberikan tanggung jawab kepada para peserta KKL, meskipun mereka telah
mengunjungi tempat-tempat wisata sebagai media refreshing mereka.
Tidak dapat
dipungkiri selalu terdapat permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan KKL dari tahun ke
tahun. Permasalahan yang terjadi bisa ketika sebelum pelaksanaan, ketika
pelaksanaan atau bahkan setelah pelaksanaan program KKL. Pokok permasalahan
yang dihadapi pun bermacam-macam, mulai dari fasilitas yang disediakan oleh
pihak travel, transparansi biaya, transparansi pelaksanaan kegiatan serta
permasalahan yang lainnya. Seperti pelaksanaan tahun sebelumnya, pelaksanaan
KKL tahun ini pun menghadapi permasalahan tetapi dengan pokok permasalahan yang
berbeda. Jika tahun lalu pelaksanaan KKL bermasalah dengan fasilitas serta
konsumsi yang diberikan kepada para peserta, untuk pelaksanaan KKL kali ini
yang menjadi pokok permasalahan adalah transparansi biaya serta perincian
pelaksanaan kegiatan KKL. Rabu, tanggal 07 April 2010, koordinator bus KKL yang
terdiri atas 7 orang mengundang seluruh peserta KKL yang telah terdaftar untuk
berdialog bersama membahas permasalahan ini. Yang menjadi inti pembicaraan
adalah tuntutan agar pihak panitia pelaksana program KKL secara terbuka
memberikan rincian biaya serta rincian kegiatan KKL yang akan dilaksanakan.
Dalam dialog terbuka ini, diharapkan seluruh peserta yang hadir dapat
menyalurkan aspirasi serta pendapat mengenai tuntutan tersebut sehingga
pelaksanaan KKL tahun ini benar-benar transparan. Dalam dialog, dibahas
mengenai objek wisata yang akan dikunjungi serta perincian dana dan biaya KKL.
Tidak hanya itu, dalam dialog ini juga dipertanyakan mengenai kemanakah
penggunaan dana Rp. 90.000,- sebagai biaya 2 sks mata kuliah KKL tersebut,
tetapi seorang perwakilan mahasiswa yang juga merupakan jurnalis kampus dapat
menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Dijelaskan bahwa,dana yang dimaksud dipergunakan
oleh pihak Universitas untuk melaksanakan administrasi seperti menggaji dosen-dosen
yang berstatus swasta, menydeiakan fasilitas perkuliahan serta fasilitas
tambahan lainnya. Dalam kondisi yang semakin memanas, akhirnya para koordinator
bus menyampaikan tuntutan kepada pihak fakultas, program studi serta
panitia pelaksana KKL agar bersikap transparan dalam perincian
dana dan perincian kegiatan kkl. Para
koordinator bus juga menyampaikan beberapa himbauan kepada para peserta KKL
mengenai beberapa tindakan yang akan diambil jika tuntutan tidak terpenuhi,
antara lain ;1).menunda
pembayaran. 2).menunggu perincian anggaran kegiatan & dana kegiatan KKL. 3).jika
transparansi berupa rincian dana dan kegiatan KKL tidak diberikan maka,
mahasiswa akan memboikot pembayaran dengan menganggap deadline tanggal 20 april
= tidak ada. 4).mengadakan pertemuan dengan pihak-pihak lain yang terkait
dengan kkl.
Melihat situsai yang
sedemikian ini, di satu sisi ini merupakan sebuah kemajuan pola
pikir bagi para mahasiswa khususnya PBI, tetapi di sisi lain rasanya tidak
perlu mengadakan tuntutan sebesar ini jika yang menjadi pokok permasalahan
hanyalah masalah transparansi dana dan perincian kegiatan. Beberapa solusi
sebenarnya telah muncul dalam forum diskusi ini, tetapi tampak kabur dan tidak
jelas langkah yang diambil karena semua peserta telah terlanjur terpengaruh
oleh satu sudut pandang saja. Seharusnya, sebelum melakukan langkah represif
seperti ini, pihak yang menuntut yakni para koordinator bus dapat mencari
solusi terlebih dahulu, misalnya dengan mengundang pihak travel yang membuat
perencanaan anggaran dan segala akomodasi bagi peserta KKL. Apabila yang
dikhawatirkan adalah saling mencari keuntungan antara pihak fakultas dan biro
perjalanan, maka dengan diskusi dan presentasi pihak biro di depan mahasiswa
akan jauh lebih efektif dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih jelas kepada
mahasiswa mengenai perincian dana dan transparansi kegiatan yang akan
dilaksanakan. Jika nantinya fakta mengatakan bahwa dalam presentasi biro
perjalanan tersebut terdapat permasalahan, maka pihak-pihak terkait yang merasa
dirugikan dapat melakukan langkah represif, misalnya dengan membatalkan kontrak
kerja dengan biro perjalanan tersebut dan menggantinya dengan biro perjalanan
yang lebih baik. Pembelajran yang baik bagi kita semua, selaku civitas
akademika dan mahasiswa yang sedang mengembangkan diri dan pola pikir kita.
Globalisasi merupakan sesuatu yang bersifat multidimensional. Banyak yang
menggambarkan globalisasi sebagai sebuah gejala ekonomi, dengan fakta munculnya
banyak perusahaan multinasional dan transnasional yang beroperasi melintasi
batas-batas Negara. Munculnya perusahaan-perusahaan yang demikian ini membawa
pengaruh yang besar diantaranya mempengaruhi proses produksi global, distribusi
barang serta distribusi tenaga kerja. Meskipun kekuatan ekonomi merupakan
bagian yang terkait erat dengan globalisasi, tetapi sebuah kekeliuran jika kita beranggapan bahwa
globalisasi merupakan gejala ekonomis atau gejala politik yang mempengaruhi
kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah.
Globalisasi juga mempengaruhi
kehidupan pribadi masyarakat kita secara mendasar dalam banyak hal. Mungkin
tidak bisa dipungkiri jika kehidupan pribadi kita telah dirubah ketika kekuatan
globalisasi ini mengalir masuk ke dalam kehidupan pribadi, keluarga dan
masyarakat. Kekuatan ini mengalir baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung
yaitu melalui perantara manusia, maupun media seperti surat kabar, radio, televisi, internet, serta
melalui individu-individu dari Negara atau kebudayaan lain.
Globalisasi dapat mengubah kehidupan
keseharian kita. Ketika masyarakat mulai mengalami perubahan secara mendalam,
maka sarana-sarana yang sebelumnya menyokong kehidupan masyarakat pelan-pelan
mulai kurang memadai dalam menjawab hal-hal yang kita butuhkan. Hal ini memaksa
kita mencari hal baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kita akan informasi dan hiburan
yang semakin meningkat.
Berkembang pesatnya teknologi
komunikasi membantu kita untuk mengetahui lebih luas informasi dan pengetahuan
baru. Tidak hanya di daerah atau di sebuah Negara, tetapi juga di luar negeri.
Teknologi yang semakin canggih membuat batas antar ruang dan waktu menjadi semakin
sempit. Dua orang yang tinggal di belahan bumi lain seperti seseorang di Indonesia
dengan orang yang tinggal di Amerika dapat bercakap-cakap, mengirim gambar
secara langsung dengan bantuan satelit dan media lain yang terhubung secara
langsung atau on-line. Hal yang demikian ini mendorong dan menuntut kita untuk
mengubah dan menggeser kebiasaan lama kita menjadi lebih moderen dengan
mengikuti perkembangan masyarakat global serta perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan
serta teknologi yang menyertainya. Dengan kata lain, globalisasi mampu mengubah
kebiasaan seseorang, masyarakat bahkan mampu mengubah kepribadian bangsa dengan
berbagai macam hal yang menyertai perkembangannya.
By Dwi Era Rusmawati, S.Pd (Assignment of Bahasa Indonesia, Class 2010)
Mandalika is a small beautiful island that located in Java Sea. It
located straight in front of Portuguese fort beach, which about 2 Km
from Donorejo village, Donorejo sub district, Jepara, Central Java. The
location is near bordered with Pati regency, and it close to Muria
mountains in the north.
Mandalika is such a beautiful and worth visit island. To reach this
island is easy, we can use fisherman boat for half an hour. During the
trip, we can see the magnificent sightseeing of Java island, with
Pendowo Limo mountain and the sparkling of blue water. This island is uninhabited, with only 1 operator or light house keeper
on duty. There is a forest over the island that still considered virgin.
Hence, it makes this island like a conservative island. The beach is
steep and rocky, the depth of the water is not suitable for swimming,
but for those who like fishing this is the ideal place to do so.
Do you know Teluk Awur Beach? For the people outside Jepara, it should be a little bit strange for them about it. Teluk Awur Beach is one of the Brand New Tourism Object in Jepara. It's Popular enough in Jepara, and by the time it's like other commercial beaches in Jepara like Bandengan or Kartini Beach in Jepara. Teluk Awur beach is placed about 4 km South side from city centre. The beach that has pure water and white sand is suitable for bathing place. There are many tourists, especially local tourists come into this object to do intentional bathing frequently. Generally they are children, youngsters and some are foreign countries tourists. Teluk awur beach has a long beach, around 5 kilometres in long and all of them are clear and beautiful sands. In this Beach, visitors can see the activities of the People/villagers of Teluk Awur Beach and also many other kinds of activities. Today Teluk Awur beach is getting more popular, since there are many Hotels, Restaurants, Villas or Cafes built around the area. But untuil Now, Teluk Awur Beach is still FREE for anyone who wants to come. Usually, the most favourite moment is in the morning and in the evening toward twilight where there is mesmerizing sunset panorama.In this location, we can sit and relax on the shelter while enjoy the natural beach breezy wind (unpolluted).
The tourism object location has large field and the whole of part the dence pandan trees are grown. It is suitable for youngsters activities such as camping, beach volley, relax bicycled for the same activities. Besides the mentioned above, in this area can be used the play motocross and kitten festival for the regional level, national level also international. The object can be reached easily by public transportation, because have provided the asphalt road infrastructure and the direct city transportation are a valuable to the location above. Meanwhile, roasted fish, small crab, boiled tortoise shell and pending sprain are a special foods that can be enjoyed by the visitors.
Do you know best beach in jepara? Purancak Beach is the answer. This beach is very clean, natural and quite. Not so many people go there. only in Sunday, there are some people come there. Many people think this is the best beach in Jepara. better than Bandengan beach , kartini beach, pungkruk beach, etc.
Purancak Beach also known by the public with Bondo Beach placed about 20 km North side from city centre. The beach that has pure water and white sand is suitable for bathing place. This is a new Tourism destination but There are many tourists come into this object to do intentional bathing frequently. Generally they are children, youngsters and foreign countries tourists. Usually, the most favourite moment is in the morning and in the evening toward twilight where there is mesmerizing sunset panorama.In this location, we can sit and relax on the shelter while enjoy the natural beach breezy wind (unpolluted).
The tourism object location has large field and the whole of part the dence pandan trees are grown. It is suitable for youngsters activities such as camping, beach volley, relax bicycled for the same activities. Besides the mentioned above, in this area can be used the play motocross and kitten festival for the regional level, national level also international. The object can be reached easily by public transportation, because have provided the asphalt road infrastructure and the direct city transportation are a valuable to the location above. Meanwhile, roasted fish, small crab, boiled tortoise shell and pending sprain are a special foods that can be enjoyed by the visitors.
If you wanna visit here, that's very easy. Just follow the direction below ;
Direction :
From JEPARA take direction to BANGSRI for 8km
Traffic light MLONGGO (km 8) go to the left for 3km
Traditional market / Pasar TAWAR intersection (3km) go to left for 1km
RA Kartini museum is located on the town center,
northward the town’s field. The museum is a general museum and
functioned as historical tourist object managed by the Tourism office
of Jepara Regency. The museum is daily opened from 08.00 am to 02.00
pm. It was built on March 30th 1975 at Soewarno Djojomardowo, SH era
and officially opened at Soedikto, SH era on April 21st 1977.
The purpose of the museum establishment is to commemorate RA Kartini’s
struggle. By documenting Kartini’s struggle and showing to the public,
hope that public will always remember Kartini’s efforts in sustaining
gender equity. In this museum you can also notice several historical
stuffs founded in Jepara regency. Total area is 5.210 square meters but
only 890 sguare meters used for the museum building. The museum
consist of three main building figured like K,T,N, form (abreviaton of
KARTINI). The buildings are devided into 4 collection rooms as
Room I
This room contains of RA Kartini’s heritage, including her portraits when she was alive.
- A set of real wooden living chairs and table carved with ancient motive.
- With picture of her face when she was getting to be married with the residence of Rembang, on November 12th, 1903.
- Portrait of her handwritten letter which she sent to her penpall in Netherland.
- Her only son’s portrait, Raden Mas Singgih.
- Her father’s portrait, RMAA Sosroningrat.
- Her mother’s Portrait, MA Ngasirah.
- Learning desk.
- Souvenir made by her students.
- Special device used to paint clothe.
- Kartini’s genealogy.
- Portraits of backyard of Jepara City Hall.
- Botekan (medicine box used to keep herbs).
- Original sew machine belongs to her students
Room II
In this room we will notice RMP. Sosrokartonos heritage (Kartini’s
brother). He had a huge contribution in supporting Kartini’s idea. He
was well known for his special skill in traditional treatment using
mineral water as media. People called him “Ndoro Sosro” and also often
called “Joko Pring” and “Mandor Klungsu”. He was also well known for his
“Catur Murti” skill (a harmony of spoken language, feeling, idea, and
behavior). According to Javanese belief, a person who can achieve
“Catur Murti” will become a real human. His heritages are well kept in
this rooms, such as:
- Original waiting room chairs
- Sofa chairs which was used for rest
- Treatment bed which was also used for his final rest
- Portrait of Merapi Mount and Lawu Mount, not taken by using satellite or airplane but taken by his supranatural skill
- Yoga room
- Framed picture of alif (Arabic 1st letter) used to know the result of the cure
- Etc.
Room III
Contain of many stuffs from Queen Shima era in 7th
century. Queen Shima was a queen of Kalingga Kingdom, belong to Keling
- Portrait of Kalingga Kingdom’s stuff was made of gold and platinum
- The statue of Trimurti and Siwa Mahaguru
- Yoni and lingga
- Coins
- A block of carve stone, similar with the ornament which is settle on wall of Mantingan Mosque
- A set of gamelan (old Javanese traditional music instrument)
Besides all those stuffs mentioned above, in this room there are also
some samples of Jepara traditional handicraft, as follows:
- Carving wood
- Traditional
- Monel (a kind of white steel)
- Ceramic stuffs
- Rattan and Bamboo souvenir
Room IV
In this room we can find the skeleton of giant fish called “Joko Tuo”,
which has 16 meters of length and 2 meters of width. The local
fisherman of Karimunjava founded the fish in 1989. According the
archeologist, the fish belong to elephant fish family. It is proven by
the tusk which belong to the fish is similar with elephant curved tusk
but most of visitors believe that the fish is a kind whale
One of the mainstay tourism object in Jepara is Portuguese fortress which is located at Banyumanis village, Keling Sub-district or 45 km North of Jepara city, and to reach it is not too difficult because the road is paved and has regular transportation.
Geographically this fortress seems strategic for military importance specially in the past which the canon’s range of shooting is only 2 to 3 km. This fortress is built on the top of the rocky hill,besides the beach and right in front of it lies Mondoliko Island, so practically the straits in front of this fortress is under the control of fortress canon and will influence ship’s cruise from Jepara to East Indonesia or the other way.
HISTORYIn 1619, Jayakarta / Sunda Kelapa City was invaded by the Dutch’s VOC, and now Sunda Kelapa which was renamed Batavia was considered at the beginning of colonialism by the Dutch Imperialism in Indonesia. The king of Mataram Sultan Agung has felt the danger threatening the drop of Jayakarta city to the hand of the Dutch. That’s why the king prepared his soldiers to drive out the Dutch.This Mataram king’s strong will was executed successively in 1628 to 1629 which was ended by the lost of Mataram soldiers.
The lost made Sultan Agung thought that VOC can be defeated only through ground and sea attack together, on contrary Mataram did not have a strong sea armada, so they need help from the 3rd party who also against VOC, Portuguese. The deal between Mataram and Portuguese held and for the first step, Portuguese placed his troops in the fortress which was built by Mataram in 1632. This fortress is clearly very effective to watch the sea cruise from Jepara which became Mataram’s main harbor for export and import. But the cooperation between Mataram and Portuguese could not be realized to drive the Dutch out in Batavia, even in 1642 the Portuguese left this fortress because Malacca as Portuguese’s main city East Asia has been snatched away by the Dutch in 1641.
The islandwith an area of19hectaresis located1.5nautical miles from thecoastKartini, Jepara. The island is agently slopingcoastalislandsandwhite sand. The middle ofthis islandthere is atropical forestwithtoweringtreesinterspersed withshrubsand bushesas wellas a place ofbreedingseabirds. Floraon the island isdominatedby thekapoktree, Tamarind, dadap, andpine.
Visitors cansurround theislandbywalking downthe beachor along theroads(paving blocks)while enjoying thesceneryon either side. In addition,whitesandybeachandshallowseawith coralreefsis also ascenethat was quite interesting, especiallyfor those who likefishingandseabathing.
Long Islandalso hasthe tomb ofIslamleader(a teacher), SheikhAbuBakr'sname.There is also alighthousethat stillservesto guidethe ships thatsailedthe Java Sea.
Toreach theLongIslandcan take advantage ofboat tours"Sapta Enchantment" fromKartini BeachorCoastBandenganwithrelativelylowtariffs. For thosewhowant to campnotto worry, becausethereis alsoprovidedwith adequatetoiletfacilities.
Temple or klenteng Welahan 'Hian Thian Siang Tee' or HTST. Placed in village/sub-district Welahan, Jepara Regency. It is located 24 km south of Jepara city center,
exactly at Welahan village, Welahan Sub-district, Jepara District, a
village with ancient Chinese heirloom and becoming one of the historic
tourism assets in Jepara, where strongly standing two pagodas built by a
Chinese traditional healer named Tan Siang Boe together with his elder
brother named Tan siang Djie. Visiting for this tourism historic
object, some asphalted road or infrastructure through which tourists
can pass by and get on 2-wheeled or 4-wheeled vehicles or many other
public transports, as the location is nearby Welahan traditional market.
1830 the Dutch General Governor, Johanes Graaf Bosch reigning
Indonesia, which was called as the Netherlands Indies Colonization at
that time coming a Chinese from China called Tan Siang Boe. His leaving
from China to Southeat Asia was to find his elder brother named Tan
Siang Djie in Indonesia. Leaving from China together in one
boat was a Tasugagu who had meditated from Pho To San at Cinese
land, as a meditative place of his excellency minister / emperor Hian
Thiam Siang Tee during his trip and falling in sick, than with his
solidarity and sympathy among people, Tan Siang Boe treated him with
his medicines brought with from China, than he could cure Tasugagu’s
Gratefully for his treatment, while landing at Singapore, Tasu provided
a gift in his express of thanks to Tan Siang Boe in the form of a bag
with Tionggoan heirloom consisting of : a piece of Sien Tjhiang (smooth
paper painted with His Excellency Hian Siang Tee), a stick of pokian
(a Chinese sword), a Hio Lauw (place for dust from cremation), and a
Tjioe Hwat (a book of medicine / forecast). After Tan Siang Boe arrived
at Semarang, overnight staying in Kong Kwan’s group house where he got
an information that his elder brother was in Welahan Jepara,
he left for meeting Tan Siang Djie, his elder brother living together
in a house with Liem Tjoe Tien’s family.This house is located at a
gangway along side Welahan and now used for keeping the heirloom called
Pagoda as a place for praying and respected by each Chinese believing
in. After some time ago, Tian Siang Boe staying with his elder brother
in Welahan, once upon a time, he went to work for another place.
In that case, the heirloom were entrustede to his elder brother
considering that it was necessary to save the heirloom, so Tan Tjoe Tien
entrusted the heirloom to the house owner, Liem Tjoe Tien, who always
kept the heirloom up the balcony of his house. At that time, in
general, he did not know what heirloomit was kept up the balcony.
During the storage up the balcony, every 3rd of Sha Gwa’s birth, i.e.,
Imlek of Seng Tan Djiet from Hian Thiam Siang Tee, the heirloom sparked a
magic power like sparkling-out fire, sometime like a very marvelous
fire-dragon and turtle that made the house settlers gor surprised. This
event made him to call back Tan Siang Boe, the entrustee of the
heirloom to Welahan to open the heirloom kept in the bag up the
balcony. Opening and showing the heirloom to the members of the house
settlers, he said that the heirloom were the relic from His Excellency
Hian Thiam Siang Tee, so since then, the heirloom were praised
according to the ancestor’s custom and tradition.
day, Liem Tjoe Tian fallen in hard sickand it could be recovered by
the magic power of the heirloom. With this event, mouth-to-mouth talk by
people made the power famous, respected and praised among people
believing in till now.Accordingly, the only heirloom of ancient Chinese
for the first time coming into Indonesia as brought by Tan Siang Boe is
that kept at Welahan, so it is believed that the existence of Welahan
pagoda is the oldest one in Indonesia.With this existence of pagoda in
Welahan, not only dominated by Chinese ethnic, but alsonatives coming
frommany cities or peovinces asking for treatment, destiny, partners,
planting and advancement in bussines, etc.
Speaking ability of
The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 1 Jepara in The Academic Year 2011/ 2012 taught by Using
British Parliamentary Debate Technique.
Based on KTSP
SMA N 1 Jepara, students are expected to reach the informational level of
literacy in order to receive knowledge by using language
competence. Speaking skill is an important skill to be mastered by the students in
order to develop the communicative competence of the students
to face the globalization. However, many students get difficulties in learning
speaking. It is proved by the difficulties in delivering ideas, opinions or giving responds to the teacher questions about
something or a topic. British Parliamentary Debate Technique is an alternative technique for teaching speaking ability. It is characterized as an active
teaching technique which involves students actively in teaching and learning
process and increase the motivation to study. The writer
applies British Parliamentary Debate Technique for
teaching the eleventh grade students of SMA
Negeri 1 Jepara in the academic year 2011/2012 to develop the speaking ability since they still have difficulties in
The objective of this research is to test the significance
of the difference between the Speaking Ability of the
Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1
in the AcademicYear 2011/2012 before and after being taught by using British Parliamentary Debate Technique.
The writer holds an
experimental research with thepretest-posttest without control
group design of the research. The subject of
this research was the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Jepara
in the academic year 2011/2012. The writer takesXI
Language Program as the subject. Cluster random sampling is the sampling technique that is used. The hypothesis
states that there is asignificant difference
between the speaking ability of the eleventh grade students
of SMA Negeri 1 Jepara in the academic year 2011/2012before and after being taught by using British Parliamentary Debate Technique..
The result of
the research shows that there is a significant
in the speaking ability after being taught by using British
Parliamentary Debate Technique. The mean scoreof
the students after being taught by
using British Parliamentary Debate is 74.32 and
standard deviation is6.62 which iscategorized
“good”. Then the
mean score of the students before being taught by using British
Parliamentary Debate is67.04 and standard deviation is7.20
which is categorized “sufficient”. The
t-observation (to) is6.312. It is higher than t-table (tt) 2.0796
in the level of significance 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) 21,
(to = 6.312>tt = 2.0796).
Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha)
of this research that states there is asignificant
difference between the speaking
ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Jepara in the academic year 2011/2012before and after taught by using
British Parliamentary Debate Technique is “confirmed”. While, the Null Hypothesis
(Ho) that states there is no significant differencebetween
the speaking ability of the eleventh grade
students of SMA Negeri 1 Jepara in the academic year 2011/2012 before and after taught by using
British Parliamentary Debate Techniqueis “rejected”.
result of this research shows that British
Parliamentary Debate Technique can develop the
speaking ability of the students. Therefore, English teachersare able to apply British Parliamentary Debate Technique as an
alternative technique of teaching speaking in
order to help the students to develop their speaking
ability and develop their communicative competence.
Syukur, Ahmad. 2012. The Speaking ability of The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 1 Jepara in The Academic
Year 2011/ 2012 taught by Using British Parliamentary Debate Technique. Skripsi. Departement of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, University of Muria Kudus. Advisors (i) Dra. Hj. Sri
EndangKusmaryati, M.Pd. (ii) AgungDwiNurcahyo, S.S, M.Pd
Bandengan Beach or more known by the public society with Tirta Samudra Beach placed about 7 km North side from city centre. The beach that has pure water and white sand is suitable for bathing place. There are many tourists come into this object to do intentional bathing frequently. Generally they are children, youngsters and foreign countries tourists. Usually, the most favourite moment is in the morning and in the evening toward twilight where there is mesmerizing sunset panorama.In this location, we can sit and relax on the shelter while enjoy the natural beach breezy wind (unpolluted).
The tourism object location has large field and the whole of part the dence pandan trees are grown. It is suitable for youngsters activities such as camping, beach volley, relax bicycled for the same activities. Besides the mentioned above, in this area can be used the play motocross and kitten festival for the regional level, national level also international. The object can be reached easily by public transportation, because have provided the asphalt road infrastructure and the direct city transportation are a valuable to the location above. Meanwhile, roasted fish, small crab, boiled tortoise shell and pending sprain are a special foods that can be enjoyed by the visitors.
Based on history record, Bandengan Beach has tight correlation with the life of National Hero and Woman Emancipation figure, RA Kartini. The mentioned beach was interesting place for the sons and daughters of Jepara Regency Regent, because there were may sweet memorizes there. The energetic girl who was usually calls TRINIL often made a tour to the Bandengan beach when she was child. She played with her family in the edge of beach that the white sand spread out. RA Kartini described her heart and soul as if she was one to the sea wave pounding when she wrote letters to Stella, her friend in Holland.
Netherlands Indies Aristricrate, Mrs. Ovink Soer (Assistance Residence wife) with her husband invited Kartini and her little sisters Roekmini and Kardinah to enjoy the beach beauty in the first vacation toward promotion of the class. Kartini and her two little sisters followed Mrs. Ovink Soer find shell and they chased each other to avoid the wafe. Mrs. Ovink Soer asked to Kartini what the beach name was. Kartini answered shortly “Bandengan Beach”. Then Mrs. Ovink Soer said that there was beach that almost the same with Bandengan Beach in Holland, but there was little different because it had cool water the name is SCHEVENINGEN. Spontaneously, after listening, Kartini intermitted “…so, we called It…” this Bandengan Beach with “KLEIN SCHEVENINGEN”.
Started the above mentioned, until now Bandengan Beach Has been known as KLEIN SCHEVENINGEN (in Dutch KLEIN means: beach and SCHEVENINGEN is the beach name in Holland).
Besides Bandengan beach was the place where had carved the history journey of RA Kartini idea. In this place RA Kartini and Mr. Abendanon also conducted four eyes conversation. The conversation connected her request to study in Holland, even finally her formal request to Netherlands Indies Government was reversed and the cost of her study was given to young man from Sumatera, Agus Salim (KH. Agus Salim).
While it was narrated that Bandengan beach tourism object had correlated with the legend of Karimunjawa name. In that legend had been stated that because it was motivated the sense concern about his son naughtiness, therefore Sunan Muria instructed his son Amir Hasan to go to the North for an island that appeared “Kremun-kremun” from the peak of Muria Mountain. The journey aim was too deep once to develop the religion. Latter the Island had been named Karimunjawa. That arrived to the beach in the journey and there were many swamps and milkfishes there. Until now this place had been named Bandengan village and the beach which place in the village had been called Bandengan Beach.
Kartini Beach is located at 2.5 km westward of the hall of Jepara Regency. This tourist object belongs to Bulu village, Jepara Sub-district. Various supporting facilities such as port, a part of Kura-kura aquarium, motel, and children playground (komedi putar, mandi bola, perahu arus) are available. Quite cool atmosphere around the beach gives different impression to the visitors, for this place is appropriate for family recreation or just for relax.
In jepara beach especially kartini beach, visitors are able to take a rest by sitting under the gazebo and the breathing the fresh air. Area with 3.5 ha large is strategic area, because it is functioned as sea transportation port toward Karimunjava National Sea Park and Panjang Island.Kartini beach can’t be separated from traditional event called “LOMBAN”. It is all day long Jepara’s people annually event held on 8 Syawal (a week after lebaran feast day).
Actually, Kartini beach is more popular as “PEMANDIAN”. This nickname is common to most of Jeparanese. If someone mentions a word “Pemandian”, that he or she thinks Kartini Beach, not the other thinks Kartini Beach, not the other places.
The word “PEMANDIAN” means a place for taking a bath. The use of the word “Pemandian” is common, because there is a special bathing place for tourist while visiting the beach. The place is located on the western park of Kartini Beach. Visitors usually take bath at dosk and down. Until now this location is still used for taking a bath especially by people who have skin irritation with a hope that the irritation will recover soon. Kartini Beach area was an island sprouted up with Kelor Plan, so it was know as Kelor Island. At that time, the island was separated from Jepara land. Because of the sedimentation, among the island was lived by Encik Lanang.
The Netherland Indies Government lent the island to Encik Lanang for his achievement on a war in Bali. Kartini Beach also used as Encik Lanang graveyard, and always attended by the local fishermen before the Lomban Party.
Besides that, Kartini Beach can’t be separated from RA Kartini’s childhood. She and her parent and also her sisters spent their vacation in this beach. That’s name is purposed to respect and remind us to Kartini’s struggle.
Karimunjawa Island is a sub-district of Jepara that consists of 27 islands, 3 villages with 8.000 inhabitants is a reservation area. The existence of some special flora and fauna makes the island special.
Sunan Nyamplungan was the man who gave the name of Karimunjawa. Sunan Nyamplungan who was also called Amir Hasan when he was young was the son of Sunan Muria. Amir Hasan was a spoiled boy, his mother always gave that he wanted. In other hand his father didn’t agree with his bad attitudes, so his father taught Moslem basic values to him, but it didn’t change Amir Hasan bad behavior. Sunan Muria couldn’t stand facing his son’s behavior, so he asked his brother named Sunan Kudus to teach Amir Hasan. Sunan Muria expected that by Sunan Kudus method, his son’s behavior would change
Sunan Kudus taught Amir Hasan very well, no wonder if Amir Hasan became a good young man. Considering the change of Amir Hasan’s behavior, Sunan Kudus took him back to Sunan Muria.
Sunan Muria was so happy considering that his son changed. To prove his son’s Islamic knowledge, he then commanded Amir Hasan to go to an isolated island which vaguely seen from top of Muria mount.
supplied with 2 sheets of nyamplung tree. Long trip by sailing across the wide sea, finally ended in the island purposed. Amir Hasan decided to live in the island and then namely “ KARIMUNJAWA”
The island which vaguely seen from top of Muria Mount belongs to java territory. In the island there are plenty of nyamplung tree. That’s the reason why amir Hasan was well know as “SUNAN NYAMPLUNG”
When Nyai Sunan Muria ( Sunan Muria’s wife ) didn’t find her son, she asked her husband where Amir Hasan had gone. Sunan Muria then replied that Amir Hasan was asked to go to isolated island on Northward of Java island. Nyai Sunan Muria decided to catch Amir Hasan up. She brought Amir Hasan’s favourite food “Pecel lele” ( barbequed fresh water catfish served with crushed chili). Unfortunately she didn’t able to catch amir Hasan up. So she threw the food to the sea. Magically, the food casted away to the island which Amir Hasan purposed. The catfishes in this island have not stingless catfishes is called Legon Lele, this area is located and last part of Karimunjawa.
Nyai Sunan Muria also brought another Amir Hasan’s favorite food that was made of nails as main material.Because of her disappointment, she threw the food to the sea. Same with the fresh water catfish, the nails also magically cated away in the Karimunjawa sea the nails can be found around Legon Lele, those all nails have special hole on their back. So they are called as “SIPUT BOLONG” (Pierced Nails).
It was told, one day Amir Hasan was looking for a place to spread his Islamic knowledge. When he walked around, suddenly there was a poisonous black snake and he was bitten by the snake. He then angrily cursed the snake in to blind snake. Nowadays, this snake is well known as “Edor Snake”, generally the snake couldn’t move in a day light.
If we visit Sunan Nyamplungan grave yard which is located on top of a hill, we will find two huge trees called “Dewa Wood” close to gate. According to local folklore, this kind of wood has magical power. Local people believe that the wood will make their house save from thief or other annoying actions if they have part of the wood in their house.
Believed as wood which was used as stick by Sunan Nyamplungan and used to curse the snake mentioned above.Special note : this kind of wood will drawn in water if we put in the water. It is used to neutralize poison of animal.
Instead of those kinds of wood, there’s also a kind of wood which has magical power named Kalimasada Wood. Local people to fight against devil spirit often use this wood.
National sea park of Karimunjawa consists of 1 sub-district, 3 villages and 27 islands (5 island are inhabitant, the others are empty). The distance is about 90 km northward of Jepara town centre.
National sea park of Karimunjawa is suitable area to conduct sea tourism some additional values of Karimunjawa :
- Wonderful sea view and the purity of the water
- With sandy beaches
- Some unique preserved animal such as deer, stingless, catfish, edor snake, etc.
- Rarely touched jungle
- Shark, kerapu, lemuna, tripang can be seen in preservation area
- Dolphins