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Jumat, 05 April 2013

Teluk Awur Beach

Do you know Teluk Awur Beach? For the people outside Jepara, it should be a little bit strange for them about it. Teluk Awur Beach is one of the Brand New Tourism Object in Jepara. It's Popular enough in Jepara, and by the time it's like other commercial beaches in Jepara like Bandengan or Kartini Beach in Jepara. Teluk Awur beach is placed about 4 km South side from city centre. The beach that has pure water and white sand is suitable for bathing place. There are many tourists, especially local tourists come into this object to do intentional bathing frequently. Generally they are children, youngsters and some are foreign countries tourists. Teluk awur beach has a long beach, around 5 kilometres in long and all of them are clear and beautiful sands. In this Beach, visitors can see the activities of the People/villagers of Teluk Awur Beach and also many other kinds of activities. Today Teluk Awur beach is getting more popular, since there are many Hotels, Restaurants, Villas or Cafes built around the area. But untuil Now, Teluk Awur Beach is still FREE for anyone who wants to come. Usually, the most favourite moment is in the morning and in the evening toward twilight where there is mesmerizing sunset panorama.In this location, we can sit and relax on the shelter while enjoy the natural beach breezy wind (unpolluted).

The tourism object location has large field and the whole of part the dence pandan trees are grown. It is suitable for youngsters activities such as camping, beach volley, relax bicycled for the same activities. Besides the mentioned above, in this area can be used the play motocross and kitten festival for the regional level, national level also international. The object can be reached easily by public transportation, because have provided the asphalt road infrastructure and the direct city transportation are a valuable to the location above. Meanwhile, roasted fish, small crab, boiled tortoise shell and pending sprain are a special foods that can be enjoyed by the visitors.

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