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Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

NLP : Prepare for the winners!

Teachers and education are two things in one, which teachers are the important part in the educational system and educational process. Every teacher in whole part of the world is hoping to make their students to be success and be better people in the world. Not many teachers know that to be a Perfect teacher is really difficult. being a teacher, for most of the teachers is only being the one who will deliver the material to students and or try to make sure that their students will get good score in the test or examination. It is the term of Teacher. But, nowadays with a huge and huger challenge from the world, a teacher is forced much and more to be more than a teacher, but be an Educator. An educator is a teacher who gives both material and education beyond of the material to improve the students' quality in knowledge, in intelligence  and become the winner for their life. To create a great generation with those characters, the teachers are forced to have a great qualification in conducting the teaching and learning process in the classroom,especially. A teacher must fulfill all "competences" and apply them in the real learning, and more a teacher must have a great technique and method plus learning strategies in the teaching process. Strategies? those are the biggest problem for teachers in recent years. Started with those problem, Social Responsibility Department (LPM) of University of Muria Kudus makes a cooperation with MI Islamiyah Gamong, Kudus to conduct a One Day Seminar and Training Program in the School in objective to prepare the students to have better way in learning through NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. The NLP is a new concept in Learning process, especially related to the strategy that used by teachers in conducting teaching and learning process in the classroom. Since it was foud and developed by educators and experts in United States several years ago, The NLP now is becoming an alternative way in creating a good strategy for teaching and learning process. The NLP focuses on the mental and character building which brings the believe that every student is unique and has their specific competence. Teachers should not force the students to follow their way in teaching and learning process, but then teachers should adapt and control their teaching learning ways and technique based on the student needs. Moreover, teachers should be always positive thinking to the pupils, because students are only following what their teacher say or are saying. The Power of words also be one important focus in the NLP, every teacher is forced to be always positive thinking and give motivation for their students because the word they say (teachers) to students will be the reality they see. The last part, Ahdi Riyono, the trainer of the Program said that "This program is aimed to improve the teachers' quality in teaching learning process, refresh their minds about the new view in teaching learning process and prepare for the winners in the end of the process". As a teacher, of course we must try to improve and develop our quality every time, and always try to update then upgrade our ability in facing the new challenges in education, and more the challenges for the world.

ahmad RA

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

It's time to Wake Up

"Give me 10 youths then I will shock the World" - Soekarno. This is a great proverb and words that able to shock the world, hopefully. The Founder of Our Country has believed that this country must walk and or run for facing the new development and new challenges that are coming and will always come for challenging the country, the people and the GENERATIOn. Youth, from the proverb, shows that the basic spirit and power  that are needed in SHOCKING the world is the spirit and power from the youth. Whose youth? the Country Of course. Long time before the Independence day was declared by the founder of the Country, the youth lead by Dr. Sutomo in 1908 through an organization that is affiliated to Struggle by gathering the power of youth called BUDI UTOMO has started their struggle. They had a different way in struggling the Independence for the Country, Sutomo and friends opened their action through an Intellectual-Struggle which showed their ability, capability and ideas without weapon and physical-war. let's say it was a kind of an Intellectual war of youth. The long history has shown that They have made Our Country wake Up from the sleep, since hundreds years ago We only believed that to Struggle for our independence we must fight by weapons and physical war, but Sutomo and friends has given Us the new season of view and thinking. long time after all those history, 90 years later on May 1998 there was a huge history of youth action for the REFORMATION of the country. The first sight, it seemed a kind of a Very heroic action for changing the Life and the Future for the Country after the "Orde Baru" of The Dictator Soeharto at that time. But, after all action of The Youth, Students, Collegers, there was and there is no clear direction as the follow up of the REFORMATION action on may 1998. Seems today, after the action We lost the orientation for the REFORMATION as the biggest Phenomenon of the Youth Awakening in Indonesia. What we should remember is, When Soetomo and his pals Decided to create Budi Utomo as the Organization and Movement for struggling their (Indonesian people) right from the Colonialism, they have clear orientation and Program after they declare the Budi Utomo. Moreover, many of Budi Utomo members are the activist in many other Organizations that have the same objective to struggle the People's right and Independence. In simple word, the movement on Sutomo's era was in a unity movement and no other interests from several other people or group. But, what about 1998? What did we do to continue the REFORMATION? we sleep, after that. The things who speak are only the interests from several people or several groups which knew that they can utilize the moment to reach their interests and profits. Reformation as one of the Youth Revolusionary action, nowadays is such kind of a LOST KITE, no Orientation and no clear Direction even after it has been declared and witnessed by all people in this country. Our Youth, Our Generation nowadays are sleeping. At least, the National Aawakening Day will remind Us that we have ever had some experiences that we are able to be the best teacher and guide for the Country and the generation, the youth at the next years, or even centuries. Wake Up, It is The WAKE UP TIME for US, the YOUTH the NEXT generation of the COUNTRY. Not Only a LOUD VOICE, but a REAL ACTION. WAKE UP...

ahmad RA

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Cultural University VS Planning Culture

UMK : Cultural University and Planning Culture. Cultural Univeristy is the dream of the academicians of University of Muria Kudus. Cultural University represents the whole culture which reflect the academic athmosphere and make all everything in the academic  life in the University are based on the positive cultures related to academic atmosphere. Since, the University planned to reach the dreaam to be a Cultural University, the authority were trying hard to fulfill and create the academic atmosphere in UMK be better than before. Many activities, programs and facilities are prepared to success the program. Cultural University is an Expensive value that needs to have great planning behind. Cultural University covers all kinds of positive cultures that represent and show the spirit in academic life atmosphere. The Culture that are hoped to be appeared in the University, sucha as ; Discussion culture, Critical Thinking Culture and High Spirit Culture. Those Cultures are not only for the students as the subject and object of the education system in UMK. But, all personel in UMK are also involved in this term. Cultural University is needing a lot of requirements to fulfill. One of them is Planning Culture. We realize that, the term of Cultural University needs a high requrement in the planning side. Means that, before all of us believe that our University is having and known as the Cultural University, we have to do several steps of Cultures include the Planning Culture. Why Planning Culture is becoming a big issue that must be concerned, because everything the actions that are done and excecuted are based on the planning step. If the planning is good, of course the program mostly can be run well. We have to realize that we still have to learn more in how to make a good planning. Planning means preparing anything before we or the authority take actions. Planning does not only plan and prepare the material side, like building, facilities but also prepare the mental side of the students and also the personel that are included in. We can see, perhaps there are several programs or activities are not able to be finished or even excecuted well by the academic society in this campus, because there is no good planning before. We, perhaps could see when the personel or the administrator are in hurry when they are doing something such kind of Activities, because they have no preparation before or have but not maximum in planning. We do not know what is the exact reason in doing this, but May this condition is inflenced by Our People’s culture that is “Indonesian People Like Deadline”. The last experience was happened to the author, when the author was joining a kind of Competition in Regional stage. There the committee was asking about the GUIDANCE that must be used by every participant in this competition, and of course the INNOCENT participant from this Campuz could not answer the question, because since the first time selection fro the Campus there was no Information to use such kind of Guidance in joining the competition, moreover the selection in campus stage seemed like a Selection in hurry, because there was no enough time for participants to explore more their competencies and no enough time for preparing the best material to be presented. It shows that, Planning and Preparation are really important in Every Kind of Condition, not only for certain activities that is or are going to be assessed. WE have a great dream, the consequence is we must make a great step and planning. We are talking about the dream of our University, means that we are also talking about the Planning that must be considered and made by the all components in this Beautiful Campus. Especially the Authority of this Campus as the major decision maker in this RAINBOW University.

Ahmad RA

Member Only!

“Members Only!”. At the first side, we see this sign is like a common sign to find in some public places. They have meanings, and they have more specific meaning according to the place in. In UMK, we also could find this kind of sign, In one room of English Education Department (EED) of  Teacher Training and Education Faculty. The room is called SAR or Self Access Room. The Self Access Room is aimed to provide many sources for students especially for English Students in searching and finding data for their projeccts and assignments. The question is,”what is the relationship between that SIGN “Members Only!” and the SAR room?”.The sign is sticked on the cupboard or the bookshelf of SAR room. Everyone knows that the function of the sign is aimed to remind the visitors of the SAR room not to open the shelf and borrow the book. At the first time, this sign shows a good system in SaR that is used by the authority in administering the room. But in another side, this sign creates many problems, for the students especially.  As the sentence before, the SAR room is existed aimed to provide many sources and data for students in finishing and completing their assignnmments, but this sign blocks and gives obstacles for students in finding data they need. According to the sign, Only the members of the SAR room that are allowed to open the shelf and borrow the book although the book are not allowed to be taken home by members. This condition creates a large effect for many students who really need the sources for their assignments even for their last project (skripsi). Everyone also knows that the book which are placed in the “bookshelf” are the book which published on the year up of 2004, so they are really good and new books and sources to have. But in other side, the students are only able to see NOT to read or even borrow. So, what is the FUNCTION of the books in the SAR room, if the students are not allowed to use the sources? “except the members”, the administrator said. Then, if the problem is about being problem or not, the administrator or the Authority should provide the solution for this problem. Many students were trying to ask about how to be the member of the SAR room so they can use the books and sources. But, again the administrator did not give the clear answer for this problem. The administrator cannot explain how to be the member of SAR room. So, the sign which is existed, actually not existed. Beyond of the problem in SAR room, It reminds me about something larger. It reminds me about the problem in OUR beloved COUNTRY, the government is always trying to make new regulations but they do not understand what regulation they have made. They are able to say “loudly”, but they do not know the meaning. They provide something, but the others can get that thing. They create something USELESS to see and to understand. Although this condition is really happened here, but at least we still be able to study well in this place. Even we are not THE MEMBER.

Ahmad RA

KKL 2011 : Still The Same Question.

“KKL UPDATE 2011”. April 2011 was the nice time for the fourth semester of English Education Department (EED) University of Muria Kudus. They were enjoying their time for around 5 days in Bali in conducting a Field project or KKL. This program reminds us with the same program like in last year that was conducted in Jogjakarta. The KKL program is raimed to improve the knowledge for the students and give the real practice for the students through several activities that are programmed by the committee. The discussion today, is not about the destination, the COST or the travel agency that had created a Huge problem like was happened last year. The big Question that is likely should be asked is about the Correlation of the Program, and the output from the program that is hoped to get by the students. Many people say that this program is only wasting money, because all of us know that the cost is not cheap or cheaper than before. Definitely it is more expensive than before. It seems a common opinion, but if we see the Fact, perhaps we will think twice or more. KKL is having  a great objective, but in a short time is likely impossible to reach all the objective perfectly except the RECREATION. There was no denial about the program or any demonstration to reject the program but still the correlation is the big question that must be answered by the authority. We agree if we have a great program with a great objective, but the thing that must be considered is the correlation, the effectiveness of the program. Hope the next term, the authority will create and establish good program, with good objectives and with good consideration of time and the output and correlation.

Ahmad RA

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Campus and "Nationalism"

Recently we have found many kinds of news appears on media "talk" about the Kidnapping of several students (collegers) from several campuses in Indonesia. Many people claimed that this kidnapping is a recruitment process of A Certain Separatism Organization that exists for a long time ago in Indonesia. This Organization is called NII (Negara Islam Indonesia) which has an aim to Create a New Order of A Country with The Religion Value (islam-) as the basic Idea and sources for any laws. People and The Organization itself claim each other like a debate competition to show who is wrong and who is right, the different is there is NO reply speaker or the speaker which has the duty to end the Debate with a Nice closing speech. In this Case the Government should take this position. Most of Us only care about the Question, "Who did this kind of action (kidnapping)Many people, even some experts believe that the kidnapping is aimed to recruit the new member of that Organization to enlarge the Organization and reach their aim. But, beyond of all opinions or ideas about the Kidnapping, what we should care is about the Question, "Why this phenomena could happen in this era?".

Jepara : A little Heaven on The Corner

Jepara. It is a little hometown for me and perhaps for everyone who lives in. The Place is never being Empty by the people who are looking for the beauty of life. I believe it so, My Beloved hometown gives something special for everyone who has ever visited it, moreover when they live in. I was born and growing up in this beautiful and small Hometown which is located on the Corner of the Island of Java. I am happy, not many people know that Jepara has a great treasure which never been imagined by others about. Since I stepped my feet on this land, I agreed also that it is only a small "empty" place with a lot of "wood" furniture and "labors" without any more things I can find. Then, I realized this view is only a small thing that I have found on this beautiful Heaven on the Corner of Java Island. I am happy become A Jepara's One. I believe, start from now, tomorrow and maybe forever I will have more love to My hometown then I will show you, the People of the World that in This Huge Country you will See, there is a Small Heaven on The Corner of Indonesia. Jepara, They Say, "It is a Centre for the World Carver", but for me "It is everything, a heaven and more than only a World Carving centre". 

Open the World of Jepara

By. ahmad R syarief

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