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Senin, 16 Mei 2011

KKL 2011 : Still The Same Question.

“KKL UPDATE 2011”. April 2011 was the nice time for the fourth semester of English Education Department (EED) University of Muria Kudus. They were enjoying their time for around 5 days in Bali in conducting a Field project or KKL. This program reminds us with the same program like in last year that was conducted in Jogjakarta. The KKL program is raimed to improve the knowledge for the students and give the real practice for the students through several activities that are programmed by the committee. The discussion today, is not about the destination, the COST or the travel agency that had created a Huge problem like was happened last year. The big Question that is likely should be asked is about the Correlation of the Program, and the output from the program that is hoped to get by the students. Many people say that this program is only wasting money, because all of us know that the cost is not cheap or cheaper than before. Definitely it is more expensive than before. It seems a common opinion, but if we see the Fact, perhaps we will think twice or more. KKL is having  a great objective, but in a short time is likely impossible to reach all the objective perfectly except the RECREATION. There was no denial about the program or any demonstration to reject the program but still the correlation is the big question that must be answered by the authority. We agree if we have a great program with a great objective, but the thing that must be considered is the correlation, the effectiveness of the program. Hope the next term, the authority will create and establish good program, with good objectives and with good consideration of time and the output and correlation.

Ahmad RA

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