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Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

It's time to Wake Up

"Give me 10 youths then I will shock the World" - Soekarno. This is a great proverb and words that able to shock the world, hopefully. The Founder of Our Country has believed that this country must walk and or run for facing the new development and new challenges that are coming and will always come for challenging the country, the people and the GENERATIOn. Youth, from the proverb, shows that the basic spirit and power  that are needed in SHOCKING the world is the spirit and power from the youth. Whose youth? the Country Of course. Long time before the Independence day was declared by the founder of the Country, the youth lead by Dr. Sutomo in 1908 through an organization that is affiliated to Struggle by gathering the power of youth called BUDI UTOMO has started their struggle. They had a different way in struggling the Independence for the Country, Sutomo and friends opened their action through an Intellectual-Struggle which showed their ability, capability and ideas without weapon and physical-war. let's say it was a kind of an Intellectual war of youth. The long history has shown that They have made Our Country wake Up from the sleep, since hundreds years ago We only believed that to Struggle for our independence we must fight by weapons and physical war, but Sutomo and friends has given Us the new season of view and thinking. long time after all those history, 90 years later on May 1998 there was a huge history of youth action for the REFORMATION of the country. The first sight, it seemed a kind of a Very heroic action for changing the Life and the Future for the Country after the "Orde Baru" of The Dictator Soeharto at that time. But, after all action of The Youth, Students, Collegers, there was and there is no clear direction as the follow up of the REFORMATION action on may 1998. Seems today, after the action We lost the orientation for the REFORMATION as the biggest Phenomenon of the Youth Awakening in Indonesia. What we should remember is, When Soetomo and his pals Decided to create Budi Utomo as the Organization and Movement for struggling their (Indonesian people) right from the Colonialism, they have clear orientation and Program after they declare the Budi Utomo. Moreover, many of Budi Utomo members are the activist in many other Organizations that have the same objective to struggle the People's right and Independence. In simple word, the movement on Sutomo's era was in a unity movement and no other interests from several other people or group. But, what about 1998? What did we do to continue the REFORMATION? we sleep, after that. The things who speak are only the interests from several people or several groups which knew that they can utilize the moment to reach their interests and profits. Reformation as one of the Youth Revolusionary action, nowadays is such kind of a LOST KITE, no Orientation and no clear Direction even after it has been declared and witnessed by all people in this country. Our Youth, Our Generation nowadays are sleeping. At least, the National Aawakening Day will remind Us that we have ever had some experiences that we are able to be the best teacher and guide for the Country and the generation, the youth at the next years, or even centuries. Wake Up, It is The WAKE UP TIME for US, the YOUTH the NEXT generation of the COUNTRY. Not Only a LOUD VOICE, but a REAL ACTION. WAKE UP...

ahmad RA

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