That evening reminds me about someone that has been showed on television. He is the one who has relationship with the former president of Indonesia, Soeharto. A long history has been felt by the people of Indonesia, but since the long history has gone, the thing that is coming nowadays as the moment for fulfilling the result of the long history. Everyone, I believe they understand and or even memorized about five sentences, statements that show the spirit of the country, PANCASILA. Everybody knows about the sentences and they also know about the meaning about them. In this big country, in the heterogeneous life the FIVE PILLARS of the country becomes the fundamental view and spirit for the people's life. Itut, on Metro TV explains that PANCASILA becomes the highest guide for the Indonesians' life. The PANCASILA was released in the aim to cover all life aspects of Indonesians. PANCASILA is rooted from the cultural view of Indonesia. Culture and human's life are always connected each other. they cannot be separated for any reasons. Every activities and peoples' life are related to their culture, and PANCASILA as the five pillars for the people's life covers all cultural views that sticked in Indonesians' life. Every fundamental activities are covered by PANCASILA. vice versa, fundamental activities that are being done by the people will reflect the spirit of PANCASILA. Economic, Politic, Law enforcement and others are some fundamental life aspects that must reflect the spirit of PANCASILA. Nowadays, the spirit of PAncasila Seems has been gone from Indonesia people's life. Many problems are solved without any consideration with the value of the Culture and PANCASILA itself. moreover, nowadays a biggest problem that is coming down to the entire country is the Government. What is wrong with the Government? As the highest level rule makers and the leader of the country, government should give the best Example to the people about the value of Culture and Spirit of PANCASILA. But, it is very ironic, the Government that is expected to give the best everything for the people, at least keep the spirit of PANCASILA to be the highest value of life in this country, seems to be gone. The country seems lied no where, no orientation and no PILLARS in the real life. Itut Soeharto explains, many people believe that PANCASILA is the Product of ORDE LAMA and ORDE BARU, it is not right and totally wrong. PANCASILA is the product of Indonesian People, because all statements in PANCASILA are inspired by the cultural values of Idonesian people and their real life. The people who said like that are only the people that they do not know about PANCASILA itself. The previous era on the ORDE LAMA and ORDE BARU, PANCASILA seems to be stronger than the moment on recent days. The implementation of PANCASILA nowadays seems to be a theory, the central government, the house of representatives in Senayan only talk loud about the highest Value of Pancasila, but they never try to touch the real meaning of Pancasila. The life of Indonesian seems no guide because of the Government has lost the supreme guide of the View of life in the country. Itut says that, The Government never practices Bottom-Up, from the grass-root people then bring to the top of the government. this condition is really happened in this country, the fact prove that prosperity, health, education become the biggest problems for Indonesian People. Why? because Government never try to touch the problem by Bottom-Up order. Means, the government nowadays are only talking and tlaking about the theory of PANCASILA and the Value of Life, but NOTHING to do after that. Different with the previous Governments, Soekarno-Soeharto put the View of Life in Indonesia as the fundamental life view in the Country. They Practiced clearly from the Bottom-Up order in applying the Value of PANCASILA, because it is rooted from the Cultural value of Indonesian. It is the Biggest problem that we have faced until this moment, seems to be a little problem but it is the highest problem that needs the most priority solution. No, matter how complicated the problem of the Country, but government Should solve the problem immediately, "And the most important thing, the Government Must Come Back to the Basic and Fundamental View in seeing Pancasila, They Must do apply the PANCASILA from the BOTTOM to UP not from the theory of TOP to DOWN".
ahmad RA
ahmad RA
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